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Thank you for being willing to give your time and talent to serve God. God designed you to serve in an area based on your passions, gifts, and talents and we want to help you find that place! When you serve in the area God designed for you, it’s both rewarding to you and beneficial to those you serve. View the serve opportunities and click the button to contact service team organizer for more information and scheduling. Thank you.

ways you can serve:

online media

Help with getting our service online for everyone to watch.

social media

Help with our online presence so that we can get the word out about us and Jesus.


Be that smiling face that helps visitors and members during weekly services and special events.


Help provide snacks and meals during weekly services or special events.


Help to keep our grounds and building maintained and ready for Sunday services, weekly groups and special events.


Prepare and organize items to give to our weekly attendees and guests.


Plan and prepare special events as an outreach to our community.


Help in our Children's Church and Ministries.



Help to keep the kitchen stocked and organized to assist other serve committees. 

Trunk or treat

We are looking to put on a Trunk or Treat event for the community.  If you are interested please fill out the form to the right.  We need cars and candy donations.

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Free Methodist Church

(989) 354-5351


Adult Sunday School at 9:30am

Sunday Service at 10:30am

175 N Ripley Blvd
Alpena, MI 49707

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@2024 by Alpena Free Methodist Church

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